March 29, 2008

Valsgärde 6 helm: part II

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

I finished the helm. It took a total of about 7 hours.

Here are the pictures:

All the pieces cut out and filed:

Everything together:

Second piece in:

Third and fourth:


Top view:

Suspension added:

And there it is, all nice and purty:

Here's my armourer's mark, the futhorc letters PK, my (real) initials:

That's it. It's going to be sent off in a couple days.

Peter Koby

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3


The Movie Maker said...

Wow, very nice. How big are the holes? They might fail on a American Bel field for catching?

Peter K. said...

Although I knew the holes were too big to follow Belegarth rules, the person who ordered it expressly asked for the slender pieces. He may be putting something inside or out to prevent catching, I don't know.

He said he will be sending pictures once he gets it, so I'll be posting those later.